Saturday, October 8, 2011

Star Trek Convention and Such!

     So a lot has gone on the last couple months since I last posted.  I went to the Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas this past August.  It was a lot of fun.  This time around I met the Original Enterprise Crew consisting of actors William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, George Takei, and Nichelle Nichols.  I also met John Cho (Star Trek, The Harold and Kumar Films), John De Lancie, and Olivia D'Abo (The Wonder Years, Conan The Destroyer).  While in Vegas I also got to catch the Standup of Comedian/Actor Tim Allen (Who Didn't Love Home Improvement) who was very funny.
   This past month I met up with a couple of different girls that I met online.  I won't go in to details, lets just say that I had a lot of fun, but nothing worked out.  I have been talking to this other girl that I met online.  We met up for lunch several times and try to get together inbetween classes.  She has 4 kids and likes to wait before she's dated a guy for a while before introducing him into her home which I understand.  I'm really hoping that things progress with this girl because she's really cool and I like her a lot so we'll see.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

End Of my Drought!

     I've been debating if I should write in my blog about this or not.  I decided that I should at least mention it.  As anyone who reads my blog knows I haven't had any success with girls this year.  I've tried getting something going with 3 girls,  I got 2 of their phone numbers but couldn't get past the number stage with any of them.  That is a big improvement over last year where I only tried getting something going with one girl, whose number I also got, we did hangout a couple times and even though I didn't get past the talking stage we have become very good friends.
   Until late last year I hadn't really tried dating anyone in at least a few years.   Even though I was too shy to try talking to any girls during that time, it wasn't really a priority for me either.  I'm not even going to mention how long it had been since I had even kissed a girl.  Anyway, that same friend of mine had joked a few times that I should just make out with some random girl.  Of coarse I laughed it off, but then a couple of weeks ago I decided that I should try to find a girl on Craigslist to at least talk to.  Not including several fake girls (Spammers)I got a couple of real responses.  One chick in particular asked me to come over.  So a few days later I went over to her house where we Made Out.  So after laughing about making out with some random girl, I ended up Making Out with some random girl.                
     Its all about Baby Steps.  It had been so long since I had gone on a date and twice as long as It had been since I had even kissed a girl that I really enjoyed it.  So now that my girl kissing drought has ended I just need to end my dating drought.  To help with this I decided to sign up with eharmony.  Its only been a week but I'm making some progress with a couple of girls on there which has been not only a little bit of a relief for me but a nice change too.  If anything happens, I'll be sure to let you know.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Taking Care Of Business (Depression)

     Last Night I pulled a Double shift at work so that I could help a friend of mine pack and clean out her apartment early this morning since we really only hang out when she has errands to run or something that she needs to do.  She called me on the tail end of my double shift and left a message saying that she would be sleeping over at the theater for the new Harry Potter movie instead.  I don't know why but by the time I ended my double shift I was feeling a little Depressed.  Even after I went home and slept for several hours I woke up still feeling depressed and since my friend who I couldn't get a hold of and who I would usually talk to is indisposed at the theater,  I finally decided to set an appointment to go see someone about my Depression and my occasional sleeping problem.  I've been thinking about doing this for a while since it does run in my family but had been putting it off.  I'm hoping that this will really help relieve the Come and Go as it pleases Lifestyle of my Depression.  I know that I can't always rely on my friend to talk to when I get Depressed even though it always helps me feel better.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Feeling Kindof Depressed Lately

   I mentioned in a past blog that ADD and Depression run in my family.  Some days are better than others and for the most part I've been pretty content the last 4 months.  My brother and his wife were living here in Provo til last August when they moved back up to Idaho.  When they left I no longer had immediate family within 4 hours of me.  By the begining of that November I was feeling pretty depressed and even thought about moving back up to Idaho.  I didn't have many friends and I only talked to a couple of people at work.  It was just before Thanksgiving and for some reason I started talking to Eve for the first time.    Even though things didn't work out like I had hoped we became great friends and even though I had a couple of rejections from girls that hurt temporarily, I've been pretty happy.  
   I've hung out with Travis a couple of times and hung out with Eve on several occasions.  I rarely get any phone calls, Eric and Noah don't ever return a text and Eve only returns about half my texts.  Travis has become a pretty decent friend to me and Eve has become like family.  In fact If Eve hadn't become as good a friend to me as she is I would of moved home months ago.  I actually enjoy hanging out with Travis and I am never happier than when I'm hanging out with Eve but when I'm home by myself I kindof get depressed.  I'm not sure why, maybe its because its been so long since I've actually been able to hang out with someone that I miss hanging out when Travis or Eve are busy. 
   When I was living at home I wasn't a big fan family functions.  Now that I'm older and live in a different state I love spending time with my family when I visit home.  It may not always be exciting but I'm always happy when I'm there hanging out with my parents, my brothers or my sisters.  That's how I feel when I hang out with Eve.  I'm always happy and content even if its just running errands or if its just me bugging Eve at work.  We may not always communicate as much as I would hope or as much as we did when I first started talking to her but I enjoy every chance that we do.  Maybe your saying to yourself that I'm just fooling myself, but I don't think so, and if I am than so be it because she always makes me feel special and maybe thats all that I really need right now.

Friday, June 24, 2011


    So, a couple of things have happened since my last post.  Travis's Wife went out of town so we had a Guys Day.  We saw Green Lantern in 3D, it was Ok.  We spent 30 mins at the Nickel Arcade and had some Pizza and Breadstix at Blackjacks Pizza.  It was pretty fun. 
     I've also got to hang out with Eve a couple of times.  The first two times I pretty much ran a bunch of errands with her.  It was still pretty fun!  Today I found out that I Aced my Web Essentials class which also happened to be my first class in 9 years.  I talked Eve into celebrating my success with some pizza.  Her roomate Megan wanted to hang out with her today so I ended up spending a good chunk of the day at there place watching Movies.  We watched Super Troopers, which wasn't as funny as I remember it,  There's Something About Mary, which is still hilarious and 500 Days of Summer, which I ended up liking!  I'm not quite sure how its happend, but Eve has become like my Best Friend. 
     Its funny because I never thought that I would ever become great friends with a girl.  Every now and then she Jokes about why I hang out with her and the truth is I wonder why she hangs out with me.  She's truely the coolest chick I've ever known. She's real Goofy too but I think thats one of the things that makes her so Cool.  Why she even tolerates a guy like me is beyond me.  She has a boyfriend but still finds time to talk and hang out with me. I had a friend ask me tonight if I was falling for her.  I told him that it was hard to explain.  I mean I do Love Eve, but I'm not In Love with Eve, if that makes any sense to you.  He didn't understand it.  Not only has she become my best friend but shes also become my favorite person in the world.  I love talking to her and hanging out with her.  She's often on my mind and I'm always happy when I'm around her.  I would probably die for her if necessary.  So yeah I love her but its different than being In Love with her.  For example she has a boyfriend that she's madly in Love with.  I just met him recently and don't really know him except for what Eve's said about him and he seems pretty cool.  When I first started talking to Eve I was a little jealous of him,  I thought that I was in love with her, and even though Eve was unattached I knew that it was only a matter of time before they got together.  When it happened I thought that I would be devastated but I wasn't.  I knew then that my attraction to Eve had to be something else.  I don't know maybe we're just kindred spirits or something.   Eve definately deserves to be happy and he makes her happy so that makes me happy.
    In fact I see Eve more as family then anything else.   She often jokes that we should just tell people that we're brother and sister, which did bother me at first, but now it seems quite appropriate.  She means the world to me and She's done more for me than she will ever know.  She's joked once or twice about if we will always be friends and I really do hope that we do remain friends for a very long time.  She's just as important to me as my own sisters and that really says something.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Feeling Blue

     Considering I haven't gotten any comments on my blog in almost 4 months I'm gonna assume that nobody I know reads my Blog.  Which is fine because I'm gonna actually rant on here for the first time since I first started writing on here about my Likes and Comedy Club Experiances.  I had a few girl problems earlier this year and since I stopped trying I've felt a lot happier.  I've had the habit of Isolating myself from everyone in the past and this year I've tried being a lot more social but lately its gotten really difficult. 
     I tried to get a bunch of people to go with me to the comedy club.  I've now been 7 times.  The first time I went with my friend Travis from work,  the second time I went with my cousin Caleb and last time I went for my birthday with my friend Eve but that's it.  I can rarely get anyone to go with me and even thought I always have fun its a little frustrating because I'm trying to get people to hang out with me but they can't or won't.  My childhood friends Steve and Matt have families, Travis's wife doesn't let him do anything,  my friend Matt from work is always busy with his wife and kid, I can't even get Eric or my friend Noah to return a text and Eve has a boyfriend who does seem to be pretty cool.  And Eve, if your actually reading this, I value your friendship more than you will ever know, and really appreciate the time that you've spent hanging out with me and the time I've spent bothering you at work this past couple of weeks.  I'm always happy to just be around you especially since you seem to be the only one who actually wants to be a part of my life.  I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you.  And even though it was hard at first,  Becoming your friend is one of the best decisions that I've ever made
    I usually feel appreciated at work.   There are people who are always willing to say Hi to me.  I'll talk to Travis, Curt, Katie, Eric and Eve if I see them. I can always count on Matt to come hang out with me if we have break or Lunch at the same time too.  When I'm not at work its not uncommon for me to feel Lonely.  Weeks will go by and I won't recieve one single call from anybody I know except for maybe my Mom because I try to talk to her at least once a week.  I can feel very depressed at times.  Once In a Great While I just feel like crying but for some reason I just can't bring myself to do so.  I know that I would feel somekind of relief if I could just muster up some tears but can't seem to do that either.
     Don't even get me started on girls,  they've always been a problem for me because I've always been shy and I'm not able to start conversations with them most of the time.   I couldn't tell you the last time that I even had a girl walk up to me let alone talk to me.  There is this cashier at work named Anne who I like but I never have the time to talk to her for more than a minute or two at a time.  She seems to keep herself Isolated and Our schedules just don't elapse enough for me to actually try to have a conversation with her.   I'm really hoping that one of these days soon that that will change.
   Somehow I seem to be getting visitors from people I don't know, so if this isn't your first time reading my blog, feel free to leave me a comment, I would really appreciate the feedback.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Birthday and Michael Ian Black at Wiseguys

So Friday was my Birthday.  I don't usually do anything.  I ended up spending the whole day with a very close friend of mine.  This year it fell on a Friday which is new release day at the movies.  We went and caught the Noon showing of X-Men First Class.  The movie felt a little long but was really good.  There even was a pretty Sweet Cameo.  We had Chinese for Lunch and then did some shopping.  For my birthday my parents gave me some money and my friend bought me Rob Lowe's Autobiography, Stories I Only Tell My Friends.  Later that night we went to Wiseguys to see Michael Ian Black (Wet Hot American Summer, Reaper, Take Me Home To Night, Reno 911).  He was Hilarious.  This being Utah, he joked a lot about Mormons but did it surprisingly very Tastefully.  He didn't do a meet and greet afterwards but I did get one of the other Comedians to go backstage and get him to sign my Wiseguys T-shirt.  Which was very Cool of him!  This was the best Birthday I've had since I met Seth Green 6 years ago

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jay Mohr at Wiseguys

     So I just got back from seeing Jay Mohr at Wiseguys.  You might recognize him from Suicide Kings with Christopher Walken and Dennis Leary, his year on SNL with Adam Sandler, Chris Farley and Phil Hartman or as Tom Cruises Sports Client Stealing Ex-Co-Worker from Jerry Maguire.
   Jay was Hilarious!  He said how he was really digging our Audience and how he was telling us stories that he didn't tell at any of the other 4 shows he did this weekend.  He did quite a bit of back and forth with the Audience on his own accord and with  a couple of people who tried to Heckle Him.  He talked about why he loves coming to SLC to perform.  He talked about why he loves dogs but hates cats.   He bashed on Charlie Sheen and how at $1.7 Million an episode he shouldn't have any problems at work and how his so called Goddessess aren't really Goddesses at all.  He finished off his show with a few impressions that were both funny and spot on.   He asked an audience member that if they woke up in a mental institute and had 8 hours to talk his way out of it could he.  They both agreed that he probably could.  Jay said that Norm MacDonald couldn't and then did a perfect Norm  trying to to talk his way out.  He then said that Christopher Walken couldn't and then did a perfect Chris trying to talk his way out.  Next he said that Adam Sandler couldn't either and did a perfect Adam trying to talk his way out.  Finally he said that Tracey Morgan couldn't and did a perfect Tracey.  The whole bit was Hilarious.
     The last story he told us was about a night he went out with Tracey Morgan who btw is not only crazy but is exactly like the characters he plays on TV.   Tracey gave him a joint and Jay immediately threw up after taking a puff.  He asked Tracey what was in it and Tracey asked him if he had ever smoked PCP and Jay was like NO!  They then went to an all black club and Jay was the only white person there.  At the end of the night, the waiter came over and gave the check to Jay.  Tracey was like that is so Raceist, took off his shirt and said to give him the check because  he was the King N....and punched the waiter square in the nose.  Jay immediatly ran out thinking that since he was smoking PCP that he might have said the N word.  A couple of bouncers came over and started beating on Tracey.  Next thing he knows Tracey is being tossed in the alley with his shirt being tossed on his head after him.  Tracey then gets up and tells Jay, Now that's the way to get out of paying a check.  Jay didn't do a meet and greet after his show but he did shake my hand on his way off the stage so I can officially say that I've met Jay Mohr, which in itself is pretty Awesome!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Doug Benson at Wiseguys

     So I had been waiting all year for Doug Benson to come through Wiseguys.  A few months ago he showed up on the Wiseguys website for May 4th.  Until TJ Miller and Garfunkel and Oates showed up on the website Doug had been the first person I had planned on seeing, so I had been waiting a few months for tonight to come.  Doug Benson is a known pothead and was constantly seen on VH1 for shows like I Love the 80's and Best Week Ever.  He also filmed a Documentary called Super High Me where he stayed sober for 30 days and then smoked weed for 30 days to see if there really was a difference between when he was High and for when he wasn't.  There really wasn't a difference.
    So while I was waiting for the show to start I sent a tweet saying that I was at Wiseguys waiting for Doug Benson to perform and that it should be funny.  I said that it was going to be a real treat and that I've been waiting months to see him.  When he started his act he called out 3 people who tweeted to see where they were at including me.  He asked where david0071978 was at.  I raised my hand and said here.  He said that that must of included what year I was born and my secret agent status that or I started using my social security number but ran out of digits.  He read my tweet out loud saying tweet instead of treat and then clarified to the audience that I had said treat but that he had said tweet and that he hoped I was gonna have fun listening to him read tweets for an hour.  Everybody laughed, it was really cool. 
    He went on and pulled out a piece of paper and said that he had to write down everything that he wanted to talk about because, and then stopped and said you know why.  Everyone laughed again.  He talked about it being weird flying because he'll have TSA agents recognize him,  he had one yell that he liked his documentary Super High Me and then mentioned how he had to sush him because he wasn't sure that he didn't have any weed in his luggage because there could just be leftovers or how he'll be moving furniture looking for his lighter even though he'd have the lighter in his hand while he moved furniture.  He also talked about going to Canada in a Limo with Tommy Chong and how they knew that with them being with Tommy that they would be searched crossing the border and that they didn't have time to smoke it so they ate it instead and when they got to the border, though and behold the limo was searched.  You coud tell that he had been smoking weed earlier while he performed.  Like most of the headliners who come through he hung out in the lobby, signed things and took pictures with his fans, So I got to meet him officially, got my photo takin with him and had him sign my Wiseguys T-shirt that I had Kate and Riki from Garfunkel and Oates sign on Saturday.  As ysual the night was a blast and Doug was as funny Live as I had hoped.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wiseguys (TJ Miller on Friday, Garfunkel and Oates on Saturday)

    So this has been a great weekend!  Last Night I went to Wiseguys at Trolley Square in SLC to see TJ Miller and Tonight I went to Wiseguys in West Valley City to see Garfunkel and Oates.  I had been watching the Wiseguys website all year hoping that several people would show up that I was dying to see perform.  TJ and Garfunkel and Oates were in my top 5 of Comedians that I wanted to see.  In Fact, the fact that they all came to Utah the same weekend to perform was Awesome.  In fact they all know each other back in LA and actually do stuff together.
   Friday was the day that I saw TJ Miller perform.  You may have seen him as the Camera Man in Cloverfield, the TSA Agent in She's Out Of My League, or as a Park Ranger in Yogi Bear.  Not only did he Joke about a lot of things like how he often catches himself doing Creepy Things, he did a bunch of characters that he created like The Construction Worker who is very masculin but when he belches he does it in the most feminine way.  Most of his characters were pretty funny.  He was a total hoot.  It was Awesome meeting him after the show.  I told him that he was very funny and that I appreciated him sending me a message on Twitter earlier in the week.  He asked me what my Handle was and then said he remembered me.  He asked me if I enjoyed the show and said he'd see me later.  It was very Cool.

     Last Night was the day that I saw Garfunkel and Oates perform. Their real names are Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome.   You might recognize Kate as Ted's girlfriend on Scrubs or in When in Rome as the main characters friend.  Riki might be recognized as one of the Killer Psychos in Last House On The Left or one of her many T.V. appearances on shows like The Big Bang Theory, Nip/Tuck, or House.  They are both very popular and they have a comedy show that they perform in L.A. on a regular basis that Sells Out consistantly.  Kate and Riki are both very funny but instead of jokes they perform Comedic Songs that they've written.  You might have seen their videos on or Youtube like This Party Just Took a Turn for the Douche or Hand Jobs, Bland Jobs, I Don't Understand Jobs.  If you haven't seen them already you need to check out their videos because they're awesome.  They perfomed about 10 songs over an Hour Span with some comedic banter inbetween.  They were very Funny and Very Sweet Too.  Afterwards they posed for pictures and I got to meet them.   I told them that they were Amazing.  They told me thanks and asked me if I had a good time.   I also bought a Wiseguys T-shirt that they were cool enough to sign as well.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wiseguys Comedy Club with Bill Bellamy

      I mentioned in an earilier post how I've wanted to go check out that Comedy Club Wiseguys up in WVC.  Well last night I finally did it.  Sometimes on Fridays or even the rarer Saturdays Wiseguys does whats Called A Facebook Freebie.  At some point that day they're post a comment which will give you an hour to respond with your name, which Wiseguys location and which showtime.  If you respond within the allotted timeframe they will put you on the guestlist and you and one guest will get in for free.  So yesterday as I was getting off work, I checked Facebook to see what I had missed since lunch and Wiseguys was doing a rare Facebook Saturday Freebie.  I reponded and scored a Free Comedy Show to see Bill Bellamy which I took a friend from work to go with me.
     Since you probably don't know who Bill Bellamy is or even if you recognize the name but can't put a face to it.  Bill Bellamy is an Actor/Comedian.  Back in the 90's when MTV actually played music Videos he hosted a video show called MTV Jams.  He was also in the films Fled, How To Be A Player and Any Given Sunday (Al Pacino, Jamie Fox).  He also hosted two seasons of NBC's Last Comic Standing and the Fox show Fastlane with Peter Fascinelli (Can't Hardly Wait, Twilight Frachise) and Tiffani Amber Theissen ( Saved By The Bell, Beverly Hills 90210, White Collar).
     The first person to perform was a local news personallity named Big Budda (Whom we met before the show!)  He can be seen on channel 13 news weekday mornings.  It was only his second time performing Standup and he was actually quite funny.  He's this big Polynesian Dude and most of his act was about Polynesians in Utah.
    Then was a Nationally recognized and local Comedian named Marcus.  He was runner up in Last Comic Standing in 2008 the second year that Bill Bellamy hosted the show.  He's constantly touring and That Exposure has made him well known in Comedy Circles.  He usually Headlines Shows and I've wanted to see him do standup Live and since he gave no notice that he was performing for Bill Bellamy it was a total surpise and he Killed it.  He talked about how he got married last year, what his wife is like now that they are married, and about having or not having kids.

     Next was a comdian out of Vegas who has been touring with Bill Bellamy named J Reid.  He talked about their tour stop in Atlanta and how even getting jacked in Atlanta is different like being robbed by a gangsta type with a doorag and a Gucci bag, what its been like being in Utah and how theres nothing to do here,  and Black Gangsta Types wearing Flip Flops.  It was Hilarious and he Killed it too!
     Finally Bill Bellamy performed.  He performed for almost an Hour.  He talked about being in Utah, how Cougars (Older Woman who pick up on Younger Guys) have the sickest game he's ever heard and how he lost one of his homeboys to one the other day.  He also talked about Old people not driving,  his Drunk half trying to convince him to go for it on a first date, and his tool not working because of the drinking. 
     He also talked about how they do things different in Atlanta, Making it rain (Thats's when you take out a stack of Money and throw it in the air) and how he wasn't accustomed to it.  He said that they went to this strip club and how he had never seen anyting like it before.  He went into the VIP room and all he could see was green on the floor,  he was litterly walking on Money.  In the room was Rapper Jeezy with a big black trashbag.  Bill looked in the bag to see what was in it and it was full of cash all banded up. Jeezy took out $40,000 unbanded it and Makes It Rain.  Then Jay-Z came through, took out $100,000, like it was nothing and did the same thing.  Next thing he knows, he sees 50 Cent and boxer Floyd Mayweather in the club.  Bill does a killer 50 impersation and pretending to be 50 is like I see how it is, Jeezy and Jay aren't gonna top me, let me show you how its really done.  He then pulls out $200,000 and makes it Rain!  One of the strippers notices that he's Bill Bellamy tells him she would of never thought she would ever see him in there and asks him what he's gonna do.  Bill was like psh, I'm not gonna throw money like that, I've got two Twentys, I can make it Drizzle.  Needless to say Bill was the Highlight and he Killed It.
   I Hope to make Wiseguys a regular thing.  Its not too expensive, its usually only about $22 for a show. In fact I've already bought my ticked to go see T J Miller (She's Out Of My League, Welcome To The Greek, Yogi Bear) on the 29th.  I'm so excited.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scream Franchise

     So Scream 4 comes out in a few weeks and I'm pretty excited.  Its supposed to be the first film in a new Trilogy.  They're saying that its the Bloodiest of the bunch and that its the best one since the first Scream!  Like most horror franchises the quality of each one goes down the more films that they make so it will be refreshing if it is indeed the best one since the first one.  I remember when the first one came out.  I was in High School and just started driving.  I really Dug it especially when Henry Winkler got it (Growing up watching him as The Fonz in Happy Days made this kill that much Cooler) , in fact it was the first film that I saw twice in theaters ever.  It revitalized the slasher film in the 90's. 
     One of the reasons that I'm looking forward to the new Scream is because its the first Scream to be made since I met David Arquette a few years back at a Horror Convention.  He was so Cool and very laid back!  For me there's just something about watching a Movie or a Tv show after meeting an actor that  makes it a whole different viewing experience.  Every time I watch something with David Arquette in it it puts a smile on my face and I say to myself or to whoever is with me, "I've Met That Guy".  Its such a Great Feeling!

If you can't tell by the bags under my eyes this Picture was taken at 1 in the morning and I was a little tired.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Jason Marsden

     Now when I was growing up Jason Marsden was seen everywhere on television.  He was in the Munsters Today, Eerie Indiana, Full House, Step By Step, and Boy Meets World.  He also did the voice of Max in A Goofy Movie and An Extremely Goofy Movie.  Over the years he disappeared from appearing on the small screen and moved to doing cartoon voicework.  He also did voices on Kim Possible, Justice League and Teen Titans.
     So Anyway,  As usual I was watching Tv and using Facebook at the same time tonight.  There are a few Actors who actually update their own facebook pages like Tricia Helfer, Katee Sackhoff, and Jason Marsden.  So there I was looking at the most recent statuses and I caught one that intrigued me.  Jason Marsden left a status update saying, "Just might turn my (Offline) to (Online)."  Those familiar to Facebook knows that there is a chat box on the bottom corner of facebook letting you know who of your friends are available to chat.  Those who don't want to be bothered can turn their status to Offline so that no one knows that they are on Facebook.  Obviously this comes in handy for actors who would be constantly bombarded with requests to talk everytime they got on facebook.  So for the first time on Facebook Jason deceided that he was gonna take the time to chat with his fans. 
   I loved watching him on Tv when I was growing up so Of Coarse I got excited when I found out this was gonna happen.   I told him that A Goofy Movie was one of my favorite Disney films.  He thanked me and said that he never gets tired of hearing that.  I also told him that I was disappointed when he disappeared from Boy Meets World and he thanked me for the kind words and said that he was disappointed too.  I thanked him for his time and told him to enjoy the rest of his night.  He Thanked me again and told me to do the same.  Needless to say, It Was Awesome!  It was a Great Way to end an otherwise normal day!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nathan Fillion


     I'm proud to admit that I have a Man Crush on Nathan Fillion.  Ask any real Geek who Nathan Fillion Is and he will be able to answer, of coarse a lot of that has to do with the fact that we claimed Nathan as a fellow Geek because afterall he is. 
     Nathan Fillion is one of Director/Writer Joss Whedon's Goto Guys.  In Fact to be a Geek you must know who Joss Whedon Is Too.  Anyway, Nathan Fillion had a 5 episode Arc on the last season of Buffy as Caleb a Priest who did the bidding of the first evil know as The First.   Next he stared in Firefly as Captain Malcom Reynolds.  Firefly was a Sci-Fi Western that was Cancelled before the first season was finished.  It was a very popular tv show among Joss Whedon fans and a  lot of geeks in general.  It went on to do phenomonal Dvd Sales and because of this and its popularity Joss ended up making a Feature Film based on Firefly called Serenity with the same cast.  Finally among the Joss/Nathan Collaboration was Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog which was a 3-part internet web series created by Joss and starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan, and Felicia Day.
      Nathan  is also a well rounded actor.  He started out in the cast of the TV Comedy Two Guys And A Girl.  He also starred in the Horror Comedy Slither.  He was in the Independent films The Waitress and Trucker, did a season of Desperate Housewives and he currently stars in the Mystery Cop TV show Castle.  Entertainment Weekly named Nathan as one of the 50 Actors That We'd Watch Anything In and if you haven't already I would recommend watching anything that Nathan Fillion has done.  I have this strong feeling that once you do you will either Fall In Love With Nathan or at the very least you will understand why Nathan Fillion is a God among Geeks. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Embracing My Geekness

     Most people think that a Nerd and a Geek are the same thing.  Even though there are a couple of things that both enjoy, for the most part they are totally different.  From Wikipedia A Nerd is someone who persues intellectual activities, technical or scientific endeavors, esoteric knowledge, or other obscure interests, rather than engaging in more social or conventional activities.  A Nerd is alway learning about things, they are usually good at things like Math or Computers, and they are ofter considered loners.  A Geek usually enjoys comic books, action figures, science fiction, conventions, video games, role playing, podcasts, online forums and various other activities.  A Geek could either be a loner or someone who interacts with other Geeks.
     As I've mentioned before I'm a total Geek!  I've always really been a geek even though you wouldn't know it unless you actually knew me.  I look like an average guy to the everyday passer by, but then again a lot of us Geeks do.  Its never been something that I've necessarily let anybody know.  Anybody who gets to know me know that I love Movies but unless I really let you get to know me you don't get to see that other side of me. 
     I've always been into comic books, science fiction and video games.  When I got into my early twenties I started collecting action figures and trading cards.  When I got into my mid twenties I started attending comic book and scifi conventions.  Now that I'm in my early thirties I'm finding myself in a transitional period.  I'm a lot more social than I used to be.  I've never been ashamed of being a geek, it just has never been something that I've just freely let people know.  As you get older you realize more that it doesn't matter what other people think about you.  You can just be you and not have to worry about what others think.  Recently I've decided to totally embrace my Geekness.  I've even extended my geek tendencies to listening to podcasts and buying books about what its like to be a geek.  I'm proud to tell people that I love comic books, science fiction and that I collect action figures.  I love to tell people that I go to comic book and scifi conventions and see the look on their faces when I tell them every person I've met from television and the movies.  I'm a Geek and I'm proud of it.
  Being a geek nowadays isn't the same as being a geek twenty, or ten, or even two years ago.  Geeks used to be a select group of people who used to be looked down on in both Society and the Media.  Nowadays it seems that everybody has at least a little bit of geek in them.   Just about everybody plays video games.  Comic Cons are now considered places that all parents can bring their kids too.  Where as it used to be only movies and televison, now the internet is a place where things are created for so that all geekness can be displayed for everyone to see. 
    I initially started this blog more like a journal or so that I can have a place to display my rants and other personal issues.  As some things tend to do this blog not only went in a different direction but it did so very quickly.  It started several posts ago but this blog will be mostly a place for me to convey all the things that I enjoy whereas anyone who has actually read some of my blogs already know this.  Mostly this blog will explore not only all those things that makes a True Geek a Geek but also those things that make me a Geek As Well.  I'm here to say "I'm A Geek, And I'm Proud Of It".

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Year So Far In Review!

     So I started the Year off in a very bad place Emotionally.  These Last Two months have been a roller coaster of feelings.  I've had mostly good days lately,  but I've had some bad ones throughout as well.  In my Personal Life I've ran into a couple of Speed Bumps and a couple of Rejections.  Personally I've grown quite a bit as a person.  I've become more open in my personal life and more Social at work.  I've gained a couple of peers that I respect and one very good friend.
     For a while there I had stepped out of my comfort zone and days of being a Couch Potato doing nothing but watching Movies or Television greatly decreased.  Part of that was the fact that I had spent a many a night chating on Facebook which I don't get to do so much any more and  Lately because of things totally out of my control I've found myself right back to being a Couch Potato.  Don't get me wrong I used to enjoy being a Couch Potato but thanks to a certain someone that part of me has changed and I don't enjoy it the same way that I once did.  I'm hoping that once Spring finally decides to come and stay that I will be able to spend more time outside and less time at home on the Couch.
     I used to watch Movies and Televison as a Coping Mechanism to escape my life.  My life wasn't necessarily ever bad just not exciting enough for me to want to go out there and live it, and in a way thats how my life has currently found itself circling back.  Also, lately there has been a certain John Hughes Character that I've really found myself relating too.  I don't want to go into detail which character I'm referring to but let's just say that I'm in the same exact situation and like that character there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.  The main reason that I can't do anything about it is because for one what I want doesn't even fit into the equation and for another If I tried to move on  I would lose what I've gained and I don't think I could Cope right now if that happened.  So I've decided to just suck it in and live with it because afterall so far it has made me feel better in the long run.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Weekend

     So I ended up having 5 Days Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Off!  I got off work at 5 on Thursday and Immediately made the drive up to my Parents House in Idaho Falls.  You see my brother Jeff got married on Saturday.  Friday morning I went to see the Adjustment Bureau with my brother Jon and now Nephew Jaden.  The movie was pretty good.  Afterwards we went to Pocatello for the Wedding Rehersal.  It was at this point that I learned that I was gonna be my brothers Best Man.  After the rehearsal we went to Golden Corral for Dinner then went Bowling after that.  We all realized at this point Pocatello is kinda ghetto or as I found out the next day my Brother In Law called it White Trash.
     Saturday was the day Jeff got married.    It was a small wedding with only about 45 people most of which was family.  It was really beautiful and afterwards was the reception.   There was music and a little bit of dancing and the Wedding Cake tasted really good.  In fact I had two pieces that night and two more the next day.  I know what was I thinking eating all that cake but I figured Weddings really don't come around that often so I might as well really enjoy the cake. 
     Tommow I'm probably gonna go see a movie with my Sister and Her Husband and I decided that I wanted to relax on my last day off Tuesday so I'm gonna head back early tomorrow evening.  It has been really fun getting to spend this weekend with my family and extended family.

Monday, February 28, 2011


     Everybody likes Comedy.  You have your actual Comedians ( Some even do televison and film) and your Comediac Actors.  The two I mentioned in my last post Simon Pegg and Nick Frost would be comediac actors, they really don't do standup but theres's something very Raw about Comedians.  They have to stand in front of a group of people and make them laugh.  Having seen Comedians perform standup on TV and Live in Person there's just something about watching them Live.   About 5 years ago a handful of friends and I drove to Atlantic City to see Dave Chappelle.  He was Hilarious, It was Awesome and he had the crowd eating out of his hands.  On Tv you can hear the funny and laugh very hard but in person you can  just feel the funny in the air.  Its a very different and Cathartic experiance watching a Comedian perform Live.
     I currently live in Utah now and there is a Comedy Club called Wiseguys.  They have one in West Valley City, one in Salt Lake City and one in Ogden!  Its a pretty popular comedy club and a lot of Comedians come though.  I've never been there but have been wanting to go.  I've never gone because I never wanted to go by myself.  I don't have a lot of friends here in Utah, especially friends that I hang out with but I've got a handful of people at work that would like to check out Wiseguys so I'm trying to get a bunch of us together to head up there.  I used to go to concerts by myself all the time so I've decideded that even If I can't count on one of these people to go with me I'm going to go to Wiseguys by myself if I have too.  I love Comedy that much.
     April seems to be a great month to go to Wiseguys.  Bill Bellamy, Hal Sparks, and Garfunkel and Oats are all coming though.  Bill Bellamy started out as a MTV VJ hosting Music Videos,  he went on to host HBO's Def Comedy Jam, Star in Def Jam's How To Be A Player, and Co-Star in the TV show Fastlane.  He's very funny and I'm considering going to see him.  Hal Sparks Co-Starred in Queer as Folk, did Talk Soup in 2000-2001 and won the reality show Celebracadabra a few years back.  The ones I'm most excited for and who I'm trying to get my work friends to go see is a Female Duo called Garfunkel and Oats.  I turned a handul of friend to them through their first Video.  Their real names are Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci.  They are like the Lonely Island who perform comediac songs.  I've been hoping that Garfunkel and Oats would come through Utah and no matter what I will go see them when they come through.  Here is their newest video for a song called This Party Took A Turn for the Douche.  Be Warned there is Curseing so if this offends you then Please Don't Watch The Video.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

    As of right now I only know of a couple of people who read my blog.  I'm sure they might really  only appreciate my Life or Rants portion of my blog but I'm also gonna try to update this often with the things that I love and my other Obsessions, so for now those will probably be just for me. 
    One thing that you should know about Geeks is that we have a lot of obsessions when it comes to our Collections or Viewing Activities.  In this blog I'm just gonna talk about one.  Two of my favorite geeks in the world are British Actors Simon Pegg( Most Recently played Scotty in Star Trek) and Nick Frost.   Even though they've done quite a bit together, Shaun Of the Dead was the first thing that I saw them in.  They created the film with Director Edgar Wright who recently directed Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World which is another Geekfest that I absolutely Love. 
     Like most people Shaun of the Dead was my introduction to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.  I thought that the film was just brilliant.  It had the right mixture of Comedy and Horror and the two of them reminded me of Abbott and Costello.  You could tell just from watching the film that the two of them had to of been friends in real life, and of coarse they were.  The moment I first saw the film I knew I had to see what else they had done.           
     Being British Actors they hadn't done anything here in the States but through a little bit of research I had found out that they had done a Tv show in Britian called Spaced and that the show itself was quite a bit of a Geekfest.  Spaced had been released on Dvd but not here in the states so I had to order my copy through which is in Britian, which also meant that it was a different region disc so I had to get a dvd player that would play other regional discs.  Of coarse since then it has been released on Dvd here in the States, and Yes I bought that version too.  The show lasted 2 seasons and was a Comedy with tons of Cultural References most of being Star Wars and other Geek references.  The show was about a guy who ends up getting an apt with this girl.  The show revolved around them and their small core of close friends and acquaintances.  Like most British Comedy it was Hilarious and if your reading this you have to check it out, even if your not a Geek you will really enjoy it. 
  After this Simon and Nick and of coarse Director Edgar Wright did Hott Fuzz which was a homage to the 80's Action Films.  Like everything they had done before, it was Brilliant and Totally funny.  They even went as far as to reanact scenes, scene by scene from Point Break and Bad Boys which was also pulled off with such Brilliance.  Next Simon and Nick will be seen in the Comedy Paul about two British Tourists who are traveling cross country and who come in contact with a real life Alien on their way to Roswell, New Mexico.  The Trailer looks like it will be Awesome and it Co-Stars Jason Bateman, Sigourney Weaver, and SNL Alums Bill Hader and Kristin Wiig.  I will follow these two to the ends of the earth and I'm always waiting to see what these two guys will do next.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


     I am a Geek in the truest sense of the word.  I collect Comic Books, Action Figures and Trading Cards.  I love Sci-Fi and Kung-Fu Films.  I love Bruce Cambell and Horror Films.  I attend Comic Book and Sci-Fi Conventions.  I'm what you would call a Trekkie or Trekker, a Doctor Whovian or Deadite. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, Angel, Highlander, Supernatural, Smallville, Torchwood, Stargate SG-1, Twilight Zone, Red Dwarf and Firefly.  Most people spend their vacations on Cruises or to places like Hawaii.  I spend my vacations and hard earned money on Conventions.  I've been to 2 Comic Book Conventions, a Horror Film Convention, Sci-Fi Convention, and a Star Trek Convention.  I've met Seth Green, Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, James Marsters, Grace Park, Erica Durance, Aaron Ashmore, Phil Morris, Laura Vandervoort, Zachary Quinto, David Arquette, Lou Ferigno, Kevin Sorbo, Clare Kramer Thomas Dekker and Bruce Campbell..
     Its usually a safe bet that if you know who Bruce Campbell is then your probably a Geek!  In fact its probably a safe bet to say that to be a true Geek you must love Bruce Campbell even though most of his films are garbage.  Bruce Campbell is an actor who started out in Horror Films with Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2.  He's currently in Burn Notice but has had a couple of failed TV Shows like The Adventures of Briscoe County Jr and Jack of All Trades.  He's also been in mostly straight to Video/Dvds, most of which have been horrible Sci-Fi films.  I would like to see anyone try to put their Geekdom up against mine, I guarantee that I'm probably more of a Geek than you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's going on right now in my life!

     ADD and ADHD runs in my family.  I've never been tested but everyone in my family who has, has been diagnosed with one or the other.   This is probably why my life seems to have so many ups and downs especially lately and one reason why I've preferred to stay at home instead of out socializing.  I'll have a good or mediocre day and then I'll have a bad day or two.  Depending on what's going on in my life, sometimes I seem to have too many bad days. Lately I've been trying to socialize more and spend less time by myself.       Like I mentioned in my last post I've always been a homebody especially the last few years.  I've been more than happy to stay at home and watch movies or television.  This friend of mine is always telling me I need to get out of the house, of coarse I'm always been told I need to meet people too.    
    The Other day I actually got a Library Card and when spring gets here and we actually have good weather I plan to start running on a regular basis.  This last month I have been talking to a lot more people at work.  In fact I'm actually trying to get a few people that I talk to at work to hangout outside of work by going to Wiseguys next week which is a Comedy Club up in West Valley City.  So, I am trying to be more social both at work and in my personal life.
     Yesterday was a very good day!  I usually spend most of my day offs at home but it was nice to get out of the house for a few hours. I had a friend whose car was in the shop and didn't have someone to pick her up from school.  She would of walked home but I offered to pick her up instead.  She helped me out of a jam about 2 months ago and I owed her anyway.  So even though I had the day off I got up early and picked her up from school.  I got to spend the morning running errands at the Mall, Barnes and Noble and some Grocery shopping at Walmart.  I also got to have all you can eat Chinese food which was really good.  After I dropped her off at home, I went home and spent a little time on the Internet before leaving again.  Next I went to the movies by myself to see the new Adam Sandler film Just Go With It.  There hasn't been  a lot of good movies in the theater lately so it was nice to actually go to the movies.  After it was done I went home and spent the next 3 hours playing God Of War on my PS3.  I hadn't played video games in a while and it was really fun.
     I don't get to really see or talk to my friends from back home too often.  Two of them live here in Utah now but they have families so I never get to see them.  I did however get the chance to call the one friend I still keep in contact with  back home last night.  I hadn't talked to him in a while and I've tried to get something going with a couple of girls this year but haven't had much success so It was nice to have one of my best friends growing up to talk to about this and we ended up talking on the phone for about an hour in a half catching up, which was something that I seemed to really need lately.  He's been going through a rough time right now as well.  He's having problems in his social life and has had to spend a lot of time at home by himself with miminal human contact because like me most of his friends have a family and he doesn't get to spend much time with them either.  He really helped me to get some perspective on my life. 
    We had a very good friend of ours pass away from Cancer a few years ago that the two of us had and we talked about him in that hour in a half and I was telling him about how I was having a hard time early last December trying to come to terms with some feelings I was having.  At the time I was having a hard time eating and sleeping as well.  On this particular night that December I couldn't sleep at all so I decided to write in my  journal about what I was going through.  In my Journal I keep the memorial card from my friends Funeral and as I opened my journal it fell out.  I picked it up and read it and just broke down and cried right there and then.  I had suddenly realized how much I missed him and how I could of used his advice in what I was going through.  If I ever needed someone to talk to he was the one that I would call.  Even though I think about him often I hadn't really talked to any of my friends about him since the funeral.  It was nice to talk to this friend about him last night as well.  All In All Yesterday was a Great Day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Little About My Social Life!

     I've always been a homebody.  I've never been the go out there and socialize type of person.  I would be the wallflower at a dance or the guy in the corner at a party.  Don't get  me wrong, I had a great inner circle of friends growing up and we hung out all the time playing video games or  playing basketball.  I was just never the go outside and get to know tons of people type of person.
      I've always been the shy type and As far as girls were concerned, forget about picking up chicks or asking a complete stranger out. I never dated anyone that I didn't know at first or met through a friend.  I could count the number of girls I tried to get something started with over the last 5 years on one hand. That kindof changed this past November.
     The Last 5 years or so I've been pretty contempt with staying home and watching movies all the time.  Film has always been my way of getting out of my Life and experianceing it through someone elses imagaination, but about the middle of November I started to get pretty lonely and made up my mind to at least try to get out of my comfort zone and meets some girls.  There were a couple of girls that I thought were really pretty but had never really talked to.  There was this one girl in particular that I decided that I wanted to talk to.  I'm not sure what it was but there was just something about her.  She always seemed to be in a good mood and always had different people talking to her.  I knew that I wanted to get to know her. 
     One day she was talking to someone at lunch so I decided to sit by them.  I  talked to her for a few minutes but that was about it.  For the next couple of weeks I would say Hi to her  but that was about  it.  One day while she was working I just started to chit chat with her.  Me being Shy I mainly listened to her.  This was the day that I started coming out of my Social Shell.  We started talking all the time on Facebook at first, then came a lot of texting and It wasn't long before I started to really like her.  It had been awhile since I had really tried to get to know a girl and was so out of practice actually talking to a girl that I was too honest and rushed things before anything serious could even be considered. For a while I really kicked myself about that but since then we've become the greatest of friends and I wouldn't change that for the world.  I honestly don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for her friendship.  I don't have a lot of friends in my life right now but she gives me great advice and puts up with my insecurities and a lot of my Bullcrap.  Whenever I'm feeling down or lonely I know that I can text her or drop in on her at work and it will put a big smile on my face.  She's also become my goto for advice on girls, so thats been nice even though I still can't seem to get anything going with other girls but I'm trying.  I just tried getting something going with another girl that didn't work out so If you want to keep score I just became 0-3 in my attempts to get a girl to actually go out with me!