Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Year So Far In Review!

     So I started the Year off in a very bad place Emotionally.  These Last Two months have been a roller coaster of feelings.  I've had mostly good days lately,  but I've had some bad ones throughout as well.  In my Personal Life I've ran into a couple of Speed Bumps and a couple of Rejections.  Personally I've grown quite a bit as a person.  I've become more open in my personal life and more Social at work.  I've gained a couple of peers that I respect and one very good friend.
     For a while there I had stepped out of my comfort zone and days of being a Couch Potato doing nothing but watching Movies or Television greatly decreased.  Part of that was the fact that I had spent a many a night chating on Facebook which I don't get to do so much any more and  Lately because of things totally out of my control I've found myself right back to being a Couch Potato.  Don't get me wrong I used to enjoy being a Couch Potato but thanks to a certain someone that part of me has changed and I don't enjoy it the same way that I once did.  I'm hoping that once Spring finally decides to come and stay that I will be able to spend more time outside and less time at home on the Couch.
     I used to watch Movies and Televison as a Coping Mechanism to escape my life.  My life wasn't necessarily ever bad just not exciting enough for me to want to go out there and live it, and in a way thats how my life has currently found itself circling back.  Also, lately there has been a certain John Hughes Character that I've really found myself relating too.  I don't want to go into detail which character I'm referring to but let's just say that I'm in the same exact situation and like that character there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.  The main reason that I can't do anything about it is because for one what I want doesn't even fit into the equation and for another If I tried to move on  I would lose what I've gained and I don't think I could Cope right now if that happened.  So I've decided to just suck it in and live with it because afterall so far it has made me feel better in the long run.

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