Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's going on right now in my life!

     ADD and ADHD runs in my family.  I've never been tested but everyone in my family who has, has been diagnosed with one or the other.   This is probably why my life seems to have so many ups and downs especially lately and one reason why I've preferred to stay at home instead of out socializing.  I'll have a good or mediocre day and then I'll have a bad day or two.  Depending on what's going on in my life, sometimes I seem to have too many bad days. Lately I've been trying to socialize more and spend less time by myself.       Like I mentioned in my last post I've always been a homebody especially the last few years.  I've been more than happy to stay at home and watch movies or television.  This friend of mine is always telling me I need to get out of the house, of coarse I'm always been told I need to meet people too.    
    The Other day I actually got a Library Card and when spring gets here and we actually have good weather I plan to start running on a regular basis.  This last month I have been talking to a lot more people at work.  In fact I'm actually trying to get a few people that I talk to at work to hangout outside of work by going to Wiseguys next week which is a Comedy Club up in West Valley City.  So, I am trying to be more social both at work and in my personal life.
     Yesterday was a very good day!  I usually spend most of my day offs at home but it was nice to get out of the house for a few hours. I had a friend whose car was in the shop and didn't have someone to pick her up from school.  She would of walked home but I offered to pick her up instead.  She helped me out of a jam about 2 months ago and I owed her anyway.  So even though I had the day off I got up early and picked her up from school.  I got to spend the morning running errands at the Mall, Barnes and Noble and some Grocery shopping at Walmart.  I also got to have all you can eat Chinese food which was really good.  After I dropped her off at home, I went home and spent a little time on the Internet before leaving again.  Next I went to the movies by myself to see the new Adam Sandler film Just Go With It.  There hasn't been  a lot of good movies in the theater lately so it was nice to actually go to the movies.  After it was done I went home and spent the next 3 hours playing God Of War on my PS3.  I hadn't played video games in a while and it was really fun.
     I don't get to really see or talk to my friends from back home too often.  Two of them live here in Utah now but they have families so I never get to see them.  I did however get the chance to call the one friend I still keep in contact with  back home last night.  I hadn't talked to him in a while and I've tried to get something going with a couple of girls this year but haven't had much success so It was nice to have one of my best friends growing up to talk to about this and we ended up talking on the phone for about an hour in a half catching up, which was something that I seemed to really need lately.  He's been going through a rough time right now as well.  He's having problems in his social life and has had to spend a lot of time at home by himself with miminal human contact because like me most of his friends have a family and he doesn't get to spend much time with them either.  He really helped me to get some perspective on my life. 
    We had a very good friend of ours pass away from Cancer a few years ago that the two of us had and we talked about him in that hour in a half and I was telling him about how I was having a hard time early last December trying to come to terms with some feelings I was having.  At the time I was having a hard time eating and sleeping as well.  On this particular night that December I couldn't sleep at all so I decided to write in my  journal about what I was going through.  In my Journal I keep the memorial card from my friends Funeral and as I opened my journal it fell out.  I picked it up and read it and just broke down and cried right there and then.  I had suddenly realized how much I missed him and how I could of used his advice in what I was going through.  If I ever needed someone to talk to he was the one that I would call.  Even though I think about him often I hadn't really talked to any of my friends about him since the funeral.  It was nice to talk to this friend about him last night as well.  All In All Yesterday was a Great Day!

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