Thursday, July 14, 2011

Taking Care Of Business (Depression)

     Last Night I pulled a Double shift at work so that I could help a friend of mine pack and clean out her apartment early this morning since we really only hang out when she has errands to run or something that she needs to do.  She called me on the tail end of my double shift and left a message saying that she would be sleeping over at the theater for the new Harry Potter movie instead.  I don't know why but by the time I ended my double shift I was feeling a little Depressed.  Even after I went home and slept for several hours I woke up still feeling depressed and since my friend who I couldn't get a hold of and who I would usually talk to is indisposed at the theater,  I finally decided to set an appointment to go see someone about my Depression and my occasional sleeping problem.  I've been thinking about doing this for a while since it does run in my family but had been putting it off.  I'm hoping that this will really help relieve the Come and Go as it pleases Lifestyle of my Depression.  I know that I can't always rely on my friend to talk to when I get Depressed even though it always helps me feel better.

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