Saturday, July 30, 2011

End Of my Drought!

     I've been debating if I should write in my blog about this or not.  I decided that I should at least mention it.  As anyone who reads my blog knows I haven't had any success with girls this year.  I've tried getting something going with 3 girls,  I got 2 of their phone numbers but couldn't get past the number stage with any of them.  That is a big improvement over last year where I only tried getting something going with one girl, whose number I also got, we did hangout a couple times and even though I didn't get past the talking stage we have become very good friends.
   Until late last year I hadn't really tried dating anyone in at least a few years.   Even though I was too shy to try talking to any girls during that time, it wasn't really a priority for me either.  I'm not even going to mention how long it had been since I had even kissed a girl.  Anyway, that same friend of mine had joked a few times that I should just make out with some random girl.  Of coarse I laughed it off, but then a couple of weeks ago I decided that I should try to find a girl on Craigslist to at least talk to.  Not including several fake girls (Spammers)I got a couple of real responses.  One chick in particular asked me to come over.  So a few days later I went over to her house where we Made Out.  So after laughing about making out with some random girl, I ended up Making Out with some random girl.                
     Its all about Baby Steps.  It had been so long since I had gone on a date and twice as long as It had been since I had even kissed a girl that I really enjoyed it.  So now that my girl kissing drought has ended I just need to end my dating drought.  To help with this I decided to sign up with eharmony.  Its only been a week but I'm making some progress with a couple of girls on there which has been not only a little bit of a relief for me but a nice change too.  If anything happens, I'll be sure to let you know.

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