Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Little About My Social Life!

     I've always been a homebody.  I've never been the go out there and socialize type of person.  I would be the wallflower at a dance or the guy in the corner at a party.  Don't get  me wrong, I had a great inner circle of friends growing up and we hung out all the time playing video games or  playing basketball.  I was just never the go outside and get to know tons of people type of person.
      I've always been the shy type and As far as girls were concerned, forget about picking up chicks or asking a complete stranger out. I never dated anyone that I didn't know at first or met through a friend.  I could count the number of girls I tried to get something started with over the last 5 years on one hand. That kindof changed this past November.
     The Last 5 years or so I've been pretty contempt with staying home and watching movies all the time.  Film has always been my way of getting out of my Life and experianceing it through someone elses imagaination, but about the middle of November I started to get pretty lonely and made up my mind to at least try to get out of my comfort zone and meets some girls.  There were a couple of girls that I thought were really pretty but had never really talked to.  There was this one girl in particular that I decided that I wanted to talk to.  I'm not sure what it was but there was just something about her.  She always seemed to be in a good mood and always had different people talking to her.  I knew that I wanted to get to know her. 
     One day she was talking to someone at lunch so I decided to sit by them.  I  talked to her for a few minutes but that was about it.  For the next couple of weeks I would say Hi to her  but that was about  it.  One day while she was working I just started to chit chat with her.  Me being Shy I mainly listened to her.  This was the day that I started coming out of my Social Shell.  We started talking all the time on Facebook at first, then came a lot of texting and It wasn't long before I started to really like her.  It had been awhile since I had really tried to get to know a girl and was so out of practice actually talking to a girl that I was too honest and rushed things before anything serious could even be considered. For a while I really kicked myself about that but since then we've become the greatest of friends and I wouldn't change that for the world.  I honestly don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for her friendship.  I don't have a lot of friends in my life right now but she gives me great advice and puts up with my insecurities and a lot of my Bullcrap.  Whenever I'm feeling down or lonely I know that I can text her or drop in on her at work and it will put a big smile on my face.  She's also become my goto for advice on girls, so thats been nice even though I still can't seem to get anything going with other girls but I'm trying.  I just tried getting something going with another girl that didn't work out so If you want to keep score I just became 0-3 in my attempts to get a girl to actually go out with me!


  1. Maybe your just going after the wrong kind of girls. Keep an open mind and always try to keep your heart open to new experiences.

  2. I'm starting to think that maybe its not so much the kind of girls I've been going after. I think I may just be going after girls that are too young. Maybe I should just go after girls who are at least in their Mid 20's

  3. That is probably a good idea. There probably going to have a lot more things in common with you and less drama.
