Monday, February 28, 2011


     Everybody likes Comedy.  You have your actual Comedians ( Some even do televison and film) and your Comediac Actors.  The two I mentioned in my last post Simon Pegg and Nick Frost would be comediac actors, they really don't do standup but theres's something very Raw about Comedians.  They have to stand in front of a group of people and make them laugh.  Having seen Comedians perform standup on TV and Live in Person there's just something about watching them Live.   About 5 years ago a handful of friends and I drove to Atlantic City to see Dave Chappelle.  He was Hilarious, It was Awesome and he had the crowd eating out of his hands.  On Tv you can hear the funny and laugh very hard but in person you can  just feel the funny in the air.  Its a very different and Cathartic experiance watching a Comedian perform Live.
     I currently live in Utah now and there is a Comedy Club called Wiseguys.  They have one in West Valley City, one in Salt Lake City and one in Ogden!  Its a pretty popular comedy club and a lot of Comedians come though.  I've never been there but have been wanting to go.  I've never gone because I never wanted to go by myself.  I don't have a lot of friends here in Utah, especially friends that I hang out with but I've got a handful of people at work that would like to check out Wiseguys so I'm trying to get a bunch of us together to head up there.  I used to go to concerts by myself all the time so I've decideded that even If I can't count on one of these people to go with me I'm going to go to Wiseguys by myself if I have too.  I love Comedy that much.
     April seems to be a great month to go to Wiseguys.  Bill Bellamy, Hal Sparks, and Garfunkel and Oats are all coming though.  Bill Bellamy started out as a MTV VJ hosting Music Videos,  he went on to host HBO's Def Comedy Jam, Star in Def Jam's How To Be A Player, and Co-Star in the TV show Fastlane.  He's very funny and I'm considering going to see him.  Hal Sparks Co-Starred in Queer as Folk, did Talk Soup in 2000-2001 and won the reality show Celebracadabra a few years back.  The ones I'm most excited for and who I'm trying to get my work friends to go see is a Female Duo called Garfunkel and Oats.  I turned a handul of friend to them through their first Video.  Their real names are Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci.  They are like the Lonely Island who perform comediac songs.  I've been hoping that Garfunkel and Oats would come through Utah and no matter what I will go see them when they come through.  Here is their newest video for a song called This Party Took A Turn for the Douche.  Be Warned there is Curseing so if this offends you then Please Don't Watch The Video.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

    As of right now I only know of a couple of people who read my blog.  I'm sure they might really  only appreciate my Life or Rants portion of my blog but I'm also gonna try to update this often with the things that I love and my other Obsessions, so for now those will probably be just for me. 
    One thing that you should know about Geeks is that we have a lot of obsessions when it comes to our Collections or Viewing Activities.  In this blog I'm just gonna talk about one.  Two of my favorite geeks in the world are British Actors Simon Pegg( Most Recently played Scotty in Star Trek) and Nick Frost.   Even though they've done quite a bit together, Shaun Of the Dead was the first thing that I saw them in.  They created the film with Director Edgar Wright who recently directed Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World which is another Geekfest that I absolutely Love. 
     Like most people Shaun of the Dead was my introduction to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.  I thought that the film was just brilliant.  It had the right mixture of Comedy and Horror and the two of them reminded me of Abbott and Costello.  You could tell just from watching the film that the two of them had to of been friends in real life, and of coarse they were.  The moment I first saw the film I knew I had to see what else they had done.           
     Being British Actors they hadn't done anything here in the States but through a little bit of research I had found out that they had done a Tv show in Britian called Spaced and that the show itself was quite a bit of a Geekfest.  Spaced had been released on Dvd but not here in the states so I had to order my copy through which is in Britian, which also meant that it was a different region disc so I had to get a dvd player that would play other regional discs.  Of coarse since then it has been released on Dvd here in the States, and Yes I bought that version too.  The show lasted 2 seasons and was a Comedy with tons of Cultural References most of being Star Wars and other Geek references.  The show was about a guy who ends up getting an apt with this girl.  The show revolved around them and their small core of close friends and acquaintances.  Like most British Comedy it was Hilarious and if your reading this you have to check it out, even if your not a Geek you will really enjoy it. 
  After this Simon and Nick and of coarse Director Edgar Wright did Hott Fuzz which was a homage to the 80's Action Films.  Like everything they had done before, it was Brilliant and Totally funny.  They even went as far as to reanact scenes, scene by scene from Point Break and Bad Boys which was also pulled off with such Brilliance.  Next Simon and Nick will be seen in the Comedy Paul about two British Tourists who are traveling cross country and who come in contact with a real life Alien on their way to Roswell, New Mexico.  The Trailer looks like it will be Awesome and it Co-Stars Jason Bateman, Sigourney Weaver, and SNL Alums Bill Hader and Kristin Wiig.  I will follow these two to the ends of the earth and I'm always waiting to see what these two guys will do next.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


     I am a Geek in the truest sense of the word.  I collect Comic Books, Action Figures and Trading Cards.  I love Sci-Fi and Kung-Fu Films.  I love Bruce Cambell and Horror Films.  I attend Comic Book and Sci-Fi Conventions.  I'm what you would call a Trekkie or Trekker, a Doctor Whovian or Deadite. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, Angel, Highlander, Supernatural, Smallville, Torchwood, Stargate SG-1, Twilight Zone, Red Dwarf and Firefly.  Most people spend their vacations on Cruises or to places like Hawaii.  I spend my vacations and hard earned money on Conventions.  I've been to 2 Comic Book Conventions, a Horror Film Convention, Sci-Fi Convention, and a Star Trek Convention.  I've met Seth Green, Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, James Marsters, Grace Park, Erica Durance, Aaron Ashmore, Phil Morris, Laura Vandervoort, Zachary Quinto, David Arquette, Lou Ferigno, Kevin Sorbo, Clare Kramer Thomas Dekker and Bruce Campbell..
     Its usually a safe bet that if you know who Bruce Campbell is then your probably a Geek!  In fact its probably a safe bet to say that to be a true Geek you must love Bruce Campbell even though most of his films are garbage.  Bruce Campbell is an actor who started out in Horror Films with Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2.  He's currently in Burn Notice but has had a couple of failed TV Shows like The Adventures of Briscoe County Jr and Jack of All Trades.  He's also been in mostly straight to Video/Dvds, most of which have been horrible Sci-Fi films.  I would like to see anyone try to put their Geekdom up against mine, I guarantee that I'm probably more of a Geek than you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's going on right now in my life!

     ADD and ADHD runs in my family.  I've never been tested but everyone in my family who has, has been diagnosed with one or the other.   This is probably why my life seems to have so many ups and downs especially lately and one reason why I've preferred to stay at home instead of out socializing.  I'll have a good or mediocre day and then I'll have a bad day or two.  Depending on what's going on in my life, sometimes I seem to have too many bad days. Lately I've been trying to socialize more and spend less time by myself.       Like I mentioned in my last post I've always been a homebody especially the last few years.  I've been more than happy to stay at home and watch movies or television.  This friend of mine is always telling me I need to get out of the house, of coarse I'm always been told I need to meet people too.    
    The Other day I actually got a Library Card and when spring gets here and we actually have good weather I plan to start running on a regular basis.  This last month I have been talking to a lot more people at work.  In fact I'm actually trying to get a few people that I talk to at work to hangout outside of work by going to Wiseguys next week which is a Comedy Club up in West Valley City.  So, I am trying to be more social both at work and in my personal life.
     Yesterday was a very good day!  I usually spend most of my day offs at home but it was nice to get out of the house for a few hours. I had a friend whose car was in the shop and didn't have someone to pick her up from school.  She would of walked home but I offered to pick her up instead.  She helped me out of a jam about 2 months ago and I owed her anyway.  So even though I had the day off I got up early and picked her up from school.  I got to spend the morning running errands at the Mall, Barnes and Noble and some Grocery shopping at Walmart.  I also got to have all you can eat Chinese food which was really good.  After I dropped her off at home, I went home and spent a little time on the Internet before leaving again.  Next I went to the movies by myself to see the new Adam Sandler film Just Go With It.  There hasn't been  a lot of good movies in the theater lately so it was nice to actually go to the movies.  After it was done I went home and spent the next 3 hours playing God Of War on my PS3.  I hadn't played video games in a while and it was really fun.
     I don't get to really see or talk to my friends from back home too often.  Two of them live here in Utah now but they have families so I never get to see them.  I did however get the chance to call the one friend I still keep in contact with  back home last night.  I hadn't talked to him in a while and I've tried to get something going with a couple of girls this year but haven't had much success so It was nice to have one of my best friends growing up to talk to about this and we ended up talking on the phone for about an hour in a half catching up, which was something that I seemed to really need lately.  He's been going through a rough time right now as well.  He's having problems in his social life and has had to spend a lot of time at home by himself with miminal human contact because like me most of his friends have a family and he doesn't get to spend much time with them either.  He really helped me to get some perspective on my life. 
    We had a very good friend of ours pass away from Cancer a few years ago that the two of us had and we talked about him in that hour in a half and I was telling him about how I was having a hard time early last December trying to come to terms with some feelings I was having.  At the time I was having a hard time eating and sleeping as well.  On this particular night that December I couldn't sleep at all so I decided to write in my  journal about what I was going through.  In my Journal I keep the memorial card from my friends Funeral and as I opened my journal it fell out.  I picked it up and read it and just broke down and cried right there and then.  I had suddenly realized how much I missed him and how I could of used his advice in what I was going through.  If I ever needed someone to talk to he was the one that I would call.  Even though I think about him often I hadn't really talked to any of my friends about him since the funeral.  It was nice to talk to this friend about him last night as well.  All In All Yesterday was a Great Day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Little About My Social Life!

     I've always been a homebody.  I've never been the go out there and socialize type of person.  I would be the wallflower at a dance or the guy in the corner at a party.  Don't get  me wrong, I had a great inner circle of friends growing up and we hung out all the time playing video games or  playing basketball.  I was just never the go outside and get to know tons of people type of person.
      I've always been the shy type and As far as girls were concerned, forget about picking up chicks or asking a complete stranger out. I never dated anyone that I didn't know at first or met through a friend.  I could count the number of girls I tried to get something started with over the last 5 years on one hand. That kindof changed this past November.
     The Last 5 years or so I've been pretty contempt with staying home and watching movies all the time.  Film has always been my way of getting out of my Life and experianceing it through someone elses imagaination, but about the middle of November I started to get pretty lonely and made up my mind to at least try to get out of my comfort zone and meets some girls.  There were a couple of girls that I thought were really pretty but had never really talked to.  There was this one girl in particular that I decided that I wanted to talk to.  I'm not sure what it was but there was just something about her.  She always seemed to be in a good mood and always had different people talking to her.  I knew that I wanted to get to know her. 
     One day she was talking to someone at lunch so I decided to sit by them.  I  talked to her for a few minutes but that was about it.  For the next couple of weeks I would say Hi to her  but that was about  it.  One day while she was working I just started to chit chat with her.  Me being Shy I mainly listened to her.  This was the day that I started coming out of my Social Shell.  We started talking all the time on Facebook at first, then came a lot of texting and It wasn't long before I started to really like her.  It had been awhile since I had really tried to get to know a girl and was so out of practice actually talking to a girl that I was too honest and rushed things before anything serious could even be considered. For a while I really kicked myself about that but since then we've become the greatest of friends and I wouldn't change that for the world.  I honestly don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for her friendship.  I don't have a lot of friends in my life right now but she gives me great advice and puts up with my insecurities and a lot of my Bullcrap.  Whenever I'm feeling down or lonely I know that I can text her or drop in on her at work and it will put a big smile on my face.  She's also become my goto for advice on girls, so thats been nice even though I still can't seem to get anything going with other girls but I'm trying.  I just tried getting something going with another girl that didn't work out so If you want to keep score I just became 0-3 in my attempts to get a girl to actually go out with me!