Monday, March 21, 2011

Jason Marsden

     Now when I was growing up Jason Marsden was seen everywhere on television.  He was in the Munsters Today, Eerie Indiana, Full House, Step By Step, and Boy Meets World.  He also did the voice of Max in A Goofy Movie and An Extremely Goofy Movie.  Over the years he disappeared from appearing on the small screen and moved to doing cartoon voicework.  He also did voices on Kim Possible, Justice League and Teen Titans.
     So Anyway,  As usual I was watching Tv and using Facebook at the same time tonight.  There are a few Actors who actually update their own facebook pages like Tricia Helfer, Katee Sackhoff, and Jason Marsden.  So there I was looking at the most recent statuses and I caught one that intrigued me.  Jason Marsden left a status update saying, "Just might turn my (Offline) to (Online)."  Those familiar to Facebook knows that there is a chat box on the bottom corner of facebook letting you know who of your friends are available to chat.  Those who don't want to be bothered can turn their status to Offline so that no one knows that they are on Facebook.  Obviously this comes in handy for actors who would be constantly bombarded with requests to talk everytime they got on facebook.  So for the first time on Facebook Jason deceided that he was gonna take the time to chat with his fans. 
   I loved watching him on Tv when I was growing up so Of Coarse I got excited when I found out this was gonna happen.   I told him that A Goofy Movie was one of my favorite Disney films.  He thanked me and said that he never gets tired of hearing that.  I also told him that I was disappointed when he disappeared from Boy Meets World and he thanked me for the kind words and said that he was disappointed too.  I thanked him for his time and told him to enjoy the rest of his night.  He Thanked me again and told me to do the same.  Needless to say, It Was Awesome!  It was a Great Way to end an otherwise normal day!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nathan Fillion


     I'm proud to admit that I have a Man Crush on Nathan Fillion.  Ask any real Geek who Nathan Fillion Is and he will be able to answer, of coarse a lot of that has to do with the fact that we claimed Nathan as a fellow Geek because afterall he is. 
     Nathan Fillion is one of Director/Writer Joss Whedon's Goto Guys.  In Fact to be a Geek you must know who Joss Whedon Is Too.  Anyway, Nathan Fillion had a 5 episode Arc on the last season of Buffy as Caleb a Priest who did the bidding of the first evil know as The First.   Next he stared in Firefly as Captain Malcom Reynolds.  Firefly was a Sci-Fi Western that was Cancelled before the first season was finished.  It was a very popular tv show among Joss Whedon fans and a  lot of geeks in general.  It went on to do phenomonal Dvd Sales and because of this and its popularity Joss ended up making a Feature Film based on Firefly called Serenity with the same cast.  Finally among the Joss/Nathan Collaboration was Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog which was a 3-part internet web series created by Joss and starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan, and Felicia Day.
      Nathan  is also a well rounded actor.  He started out in the cast of the TV Comedy Two Guys And A Girl.  He also starred in the Horror Comedy Slither.  He was in the Independent films The Waitress and Trucker, did a season of Desperate Housewives and he currently stars in the Mystery Cop TV show Castle.  Entertainment Weekly named Nathan as one of the 50 Actors That We'd Watch Anything In and if you haven't already I would recommend watching anything that Nathan Fillion has done.  I have this strong feeling that once you do you will either Fall In Love With Nathan or at the very least you will understand why Nathan Fillion is a God among Geeks. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Embracing My Geekness

     Most people think that a Nerd and a Geek are the same thing.  Even though there are a couple of things that both enjoy, for the most part they are totally different.  From Wikipedia A Nerd is someone who persues intellectual activities, technical or scientific endeavors, esoteric knowledge, or other obscure interests, rather than engaging in more social or conventional activities.  A Nerd is alway learning about things, they are usually good at things like Math or Computers, and they are ofter considered loners.  A Geek usually enjoys comic books, action figures, science fiction, conventions, video games, role playing, podcasts, online forums and various other activities.  A Geek could either be a loner or someone who interacts with other Geeks.
     As I've mentioned before I'm a total Geek!  I've always really been a geek even though you wouldn't know it unless you actually knew me.  I look like an average guy to the everyday passer by, but then again a lot of us Geeks do.  Its never been something that I've necessarily let anybody know.  Anybody who gets to know me know that I love Movies but unless I really let you get to know me you don't get to see that other side of me. 
     I've always been into comic books, science fiction and video games.  When I got into my early twenties I started collecting action figures and trading cards.  When I got into my mid twenties I started attending comic book and scifi conventions.  Now that I'm in my early thirties I'm finding myself in a transitional period.  I'm a lot more social than I used to be.  I've never been ashamed of being a geek, it just has never been something that I've just freely let people know.  As you get older you realize more that it doesn't matter what other people think about you.  You can just be you and not have to worry about what others think.  Recently I've decided to totally embrace my Geekness.  I've even extended my geek tendencies to listening to podcasts and buying books about what its like to be a geek.  I'm proud to tell people that I love comic books, science fiction and that I collect action figures.  I love to tell people that I go to comic book and scifi conventions and see the look on their faces when I tell them every person I've met from television and the movies.  I'm a Geek and I'm proud of it.
  Being a geek nowadays isn't the same as being a geek twenty, or ten, or even two years ago.  Geeks used to be a select group of people who used to be looked down on in both Society and the Media.  Nowadays it seems that everybody has at least a little bit of geek in them.   Just about everybody plays video games.  Comic Cons are now considered places that all parents can bring their kids too.  Where as it used to be only movies and televison, now the internet is a place where things are created for so that all geekness can be displayed for everyone to see. 
    I initially started this blog more like a journal or so that I can have a place to display my rants and other personal issues.  As some things tend to do this blog not only went in a different direction but it did so very quickly.  It started several posts ago but this blog will be mostly a place for me to convey all the things that I enjoy whereas anyone who has actually read some of my blogs already know this.  Mostly this blog will explore not only all those things that makes a True Geek a Geek but also those things that make me a Geek As Well.  I'm here to say "I'm A Geek, And I'm Proud Of It".

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Year So Far In Review!

     So I started the Year off in a very bad place Emotionally.  These Last Two months have been a roller coaster of feelings.  I've had mostly good days lately,  but I've had some bad ones throughout as well.  In my Personal Life I've ran into a couple of Speed Bumps and a couple of Rejections.  Personally I've grown quite a bit as a person.  I've become more open in my personal life and more Social at work.  I've gained a couple of peers that I respect and one very good friend.
     For a while there I had stepped out of my comfort zone and days of being a Couch Potato doing nothing but watching Movies or Television greatly decreased.  Part of that was the fact that I had spent a many a night chating on Facebook which I don't get to do so much any more and  Lately because of things totally out of my control I've found myself right back to being a Couch Potato.  Don't get me wrong I used to enjoy being a Couch Potato but thanks to a certain someone that part of me has changed and I don't enjoy it the same way that I once did.  I'm hoping that once Spring finally decides to come and stay that I will be able to spend more time outside and less time at home on the Couch.
     I used to watch Movies and Televison as a Coping Mechanism to escape my life.  My life wasn't necessarily ever bad just not exciting enough for me to want to go out there and live it, and in a way thats how my life has currently found itself circling back.  Also, lately there has been a certain John Hughes Character that I've really found myself relating too.  I don't want to go into detail which character I'm referring to but let's just say that I'm in the same exact situation and like that character there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.  The main reason that I can't do anything about it is because for one what I want doesn't even fit into the equation and for another If I tried to move on  I would lose what I've gained and I don't think I could Cope right now if that happened.  So I've decided to just suck it in and live with it because afterall so far it has made me feel better in the long run.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Weekend

     So I ended up having 5 Days Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Off!  I got off work at 5 on Thursday and Immediately made the drive up to my Parents House in Idaho Falls.  You see my brother Jeff got married on Saturday.  Friday morning I went to see the Adjustment Bureau with my brother Jon and now Nephew Jaden.  The movie was pretty good.  Afterwards we went to Pocatello for the Wedding Rehersal.  It was at this point that I learned that I was gonna be my brothers Best Man.  After the rehearsal we went to Golden Corral for Dinner then went Bowling after that.  We all realized at this point Pocatello is kinda ghetto or as I found out the next day my Brother In Law called it White Trash.
     Saturday was the day Jeff got married.    It was a small wedding with only about 45 people most of which was family.  It was really beautiful and afterwards was the reception.   There was music and a little bit of dancing and the Wedding Cake tasted really good.  In fact I had two pieces that night and two more the next day.  I know what was I thinking eating all that cake but I figured Weddings really don't come around that often so I might as well really enjoy the cake. 
     Tommow I'm probably gonna go see a movie with my Sister and Her Husband and I decided that I wanted to relax on my last day off Tuesday so I'm gonna head back early tomorrow evening.  It has been really fun getting to spend this weekend with my family and extended family.