Saturday, July 30, 2011

End Of my Drought!

     I've been debating if I should write in my blog about this or not.  I decided that I should at least mention it.  As anyone who reads my blog knows I haven't had any success with girls this year.  I've tried getting something going with 3 girls,  I got 2 of their phone numbers but couldn't get past the number stage with any of them.  That is a big improvement over last year where I only tried getting something going with one girl, whose number I also got, we did hangout a couple times and even though I didn't get past the talking stage we have become very good friends.
   Until late last year I hadn't really tried dating anyone in at least a few years.   Even though I was too shy to try talking to any girls during that time, it wasn't really a priority for me either.  I'm not even going to mention how long it had been since I had even kissed a girl.  Anyway, that same friend of mine had joked a few times that I should just make out with some random girl.  Of coarse I laughed it off, but then a couple of weeks ago I decided that I should try to find a girl on Craigslist to at least talk to.  Not including several fake girls (Spammers)I got a couple of real responses.  One chick in particular asked me to come over.  So a few days later I went over to her house where we Made Out.  So after laughing about making out with some random girl, I ended up Making Out with some random girl.                
     Its all about Baby Steps.  It had been so long since I had gone on a date and twice as long as It had been since I had even kissed a girl that I really enjoyed it.  So now that my girl kissing drought has ended I just need to end my dating drought.  To help with this I decided to sign up with eharmony.  Its only been a week but I'm making some progress with a couple of girls on there which has been not only a little bit of a relief for me but a nice change too.  If anything happens, I'll be sure to let you know.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Taking Care Of Business (Depression)

     Last Night I pulled a Double shift at work so that I could help a friend of mine pack and clean out her apartment early this morning since we really only hang out when she has errands to run or something that she needs to do.  She called me on the tail end of my double shift and left a message saying that she would be sleeping over at the theater for the new Harry Potter movie instead.  I don't know why but by the time I ended my double shift I was feeling a little Depressed.  Even after I went home and slept for several hours I woke up still feeling depressed and since my friend who I couldn't get a hold of and who I would usually talk to is indisposed at the theater,  I finally decided to set an appointment to go see someone about my Depression and my occasional sleeping problem.  I've been thinking about doing this for a while since it does run in my family but had been putting it off.  I'm hoping that this will really help relieve the Come and Go as it pleases Lifestyle of my Depression.  I know that I can't always rely on my friend to talk to when I get Depressed even though it always helps me feel better.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Feeling Kindof Depressed Lately

   I mentioned in a past blog that ADD and Depression run in my family.  Some days are better than others and for the most part I've been pretty content the last 4 months.  My brother and his wife were living here in Provo til last August when they moved back up to Idaho.  When they left I no longer had immediate family within 4 hours of me.  By the begining of that November I was feeling pretty depressed and even thought about moving back up to Idaho.  I didn't have many friends and I only talked to a couple of people at work.  It was just before Thanksgiving and for some reason I started talking to Eve for the first time.    Even though things didn't work out like I had hoped we became great friends and even though I had a couple of rejections from girls that hurt temporarily, I've been pretty happy.  
   I've hung out with Travis a couple of times and hung out with Eve on several occasions.  I rarely get any phone calls, Eric and Noah don't ever return a text and Eve only returns about half my texts.  Travis has become a pretty decent friend to me and Eve has become like family.  In fact If Eve hadn't become as good a friend to me as she is I would of moved home months ago.  I actually enjoy hanging out with Travis and I am never happier than when I'm hanging out with Eve but when I'm home by myself I kindof get depressed.  I'm not sure why, maybe its because its been so long since I've actually been able to hang out with someone that I miss hanging out when Travis or Eve are busy. 
   When I was living at home I wasn't a big fan family functions.  Now that I'm older and live in a different state I love spending time with my family when I visit home.  It may not always be exciting but I'm always happy when I'm there hanging out with my parents, my brothers or my sisters.  That's how I feel when I hang out with Eve.  I'm always happy and content even if its just running errands or if its just me bugging Eve at work.  We may not always communicate as much as I would hope or as much as we did when I first started talking to her but I enjoy every chance that we do.  Maybe your saying to yourself that I'm just fooling myself, but I don't think so, and if I am than so be it because she always makes me feel special and maybe thats all that I really need right now.