Monday, March 5, 2012

Supernatural Convention

     This past weekend was the supernatural convention.  It was Awesome.  On Friday I got my photo taken with and Autographs from Chad Lindberg and Rob Benedict.  On Saturday it was Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Sebastian Roche, Richard Speight Jr and Rick Worthy.  Sunday was Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.

    The first Q&A was Kim Rhodes and Gabriel Tigerman.  I ran into Gabriel in the bathroom afterwards.  I told him that I enjoyed his Q&A he said Thanks.  I asked him when he decided to do the convention since he was added at the last moment.  He said that there was a miscommunication and that they had thought Kim wasn't going to make it.  He said that he loves coming to these conventions.  I also ran into Chad in the bathroom after his Q&A Session.  I asked him if he was taking off.  He said that he was only taking a breather and that he would be at Karokee, which I had forgot.  He did say see you later, so that was cool.
     Friday night there was a Karokee party hosted by Richard and Matt Cohen.  It was really cool.  Gabriel, Chad, Rick, Kim Rhodes, and Rob also attended.  It was really fun.  In fact during it Richard introduced Timothy Omundson who has nothing to do with Supernatural but he does star on Psych which I love.  It was Awesome.
     Sebastian and Mark had a Duo Q&A session.  Mark tried to stay loose and laid back but Sebastian was all over the place and kept making remarks about Sex.  It was really funny.  During Misha's Q&A session Misha talked about his charity and a scavenger hunt they did.  Everyone was to make a duck out of  Tampons and send pictures in.  He talked about possibly having everyone send them in and putting them in a tree but said it would be a bad idea because that if it rained they would expand and make a horrible mess.

     During Jim Beavers Q&A he kept talking about how he was disappointed that his character Bobby had been killed off.  He didn't know they were killing him off until he read the script. He mentioned that he was currently filming Justified.  He was also disappointed because he had been killed off his last 2 major shows(Supernatural and Deadwood) by being shot in the head.
    During my autograph with Mark.  I had told him that even though he was only in 4 episodes of Battlestar Galactica that he was my favorite character on that show.  He scolded me saying what are you talking about mate I was in 8 episodes and for that I had to now call him Mr. President, it was cool, btw he was in 6 episodes so we were both wrong. 
     During Sebastian's autograph he asked me where I was from. I told him Utah and he said that Utah was pretty, that the snow was great for skiing and that it was good for rock climbing too.  It was cool too, he was actually sitting there drinking wine and signing autographs.
    During Richards and Matts autographs they were trying to sell some Dick and Matt Karokee Tshirts.   Matt put all the remaining shirts down his pants to get people to sell them.  A little while later he tricked Richard into rubbing them all on his beard not knowing that Matt had put them all down his pants. 
     On Saturday Night I had a Meet and Greet with Jim Beaver and nine other people.  It was cool.  I told him during our photo op that I would see him at his meet and greet.  He said Cool.  He personalized my autograph a few hours earlier and he had actually remembered my name when it came time for my meet and greet.  He asked where I was from and when I told him Utah he asked me what part and when I told him Provo he said that Provo was a pretty place with the mountians and that he had actually filmed 2 movies there. It was cool.  We talked about how it would be possible for his character to come back from the dead.  At the end we got a group photo.

     During Jensen's Autograph he asked me how it was going.  I replied back and he said that he was doing good.  After he signed it I thanked him and he said Your Welcome.  When I got Jared's Autograph I asked him how his day was going and he said good.  I said to him so your just waiting for that phone call huh(His wife was expecting and it could come at any minute)  He said yea, showed me his cell phone and told me, I actually have it right here in my lap.  I thanked him.  He Smiled, quickly winked at me and said Your Welcome.  It was really Cool!
   On Sunday I had a Meet and Greet with Richard Speight Jr and nine other people.  It was Awesome.  We played a little get to know you game.  We had to guess which of 3 answers was correct about everyone like their name, where they're from and their favorite animal.  He wanted to know how the Supernatural Convention was compared to other Conventions.  I got to  talk to him for like 5 mins about the Star Trek Convention.  He said that when he comes to the conventions that he and the other actors with only a handful of episodic appearance and who only know each other from these conventions usually get together and hang out or go to dinner. At the end we got a group photo and he hugged everyone including me, which was cool.  I tweeted him after the convention that it was the highlight of my convention.  He said that it was very cool of me to say that and that it was a privilege to get to spend some time with me and the others and that he enjoyed the chat.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Brandon T. Jackson, Aziz Ansari and Kevin Pollak at Wiseguys in Utah!

     So This past month has been pretty good for Comedy here in Utah.  I went on three separate occasions to see Brandon T. Jackson (Tropic Thunder, Percy Jackson), Aziz Ansari (30 Minutes or Less, Parks and Recreation) and Kevin Pollak (A Few Good Men, The Usual Suspects, Cop Out).
    First off was Brandon T. Jackson.  I had seen him in a couple movies but didn't know that he actually did stand up until it was announced that he was coming through Wiseguys.  I ended having a date for this one.  He was pretty funny.  I went to the late show for this and Brandon came out afterwards to meet fans. He was pretty cool.  I got my photo with him and he signed my Wiseguys T-shirt too.

     The next weekend I went and saw Aziz Ansari.  He had heard that Utah was a good place to do standup and since he's been preparing for his next tour he decided that he would practice his new material here.  It was announced 2 days before his shows that he would be doing 6 shows. They all sold out in less than 24 hours.  He was very funny!  Most comedians only perform for an hour but Aziz performed for a whole hour in a half which was very cool. He joked about hipsters and guys who send penis pictures to girls.  He didn't meet fans after but I got a staff member to get him to sign my Wiseguys T-shirt for me and he was kind enough to do so.

     Tonight I went and saw Kevin Pollak.  Kevin would be considered a real movie star.  He's acted with some of the biggest names in Hollywood like Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Bruce Willis.  Kevin currently has an interview podcast where he will usually interview people from television and film for almost 2 hours.  I've enjoyed listening to it.  He was very funny and by the end my side was hurting from so much laughter. Kevin is known for his impersonations especially for his spot on impersonation of Christopher Walken.  In fact tonight he did his Walken for about 10 minutes and talked about the couple of times that he met him.  He also did his Peter Falk, Jack Nicholson, William Shatner and Alan Arkin impersonations.
     He talked about how on 3 separate occasions he pretended to be Alan.  The first time he called Alan and left a message to him pretending to be Alan leaving himself a message.  Alan called him back later and said how for 8 whole mins he tried to remember leaving himself a message and that it wasn't funny.  The 2nd time Alan was being interviewed on Larry King Live and Kevin called in pretending to be Alan trying to find out what was going on.  The real Alan had his head down and was laughing then looked at the camera knowing that it was Kevin and told him to stop it. The 3rd time Kevin called Paul Reiser and left him a message pretending to be Alan inviting him over to stay at his cabin for a week.  Kevin was having dinner with Paul and his wife and Paul told him that Alan Arkin had invited him and the wife to stay with him for a week.  When Kevin told him that it was him pretending to be Alan, Paul got pissed because as it turns out Paul had called Alan and  left him a message thanking him for the invite.  Later that night Alan called Kevin and told him that he had to stop pretending to be him because it now it looked like Paul was going to be staying with him for a week and that he's never even met Paul Reiser.
     Earlier today I had sent a tweet to Kevin asking him if he was gonna meet fans afterwards in which he sent me a tweet back saying Hell Yea.  I met him, got a photo with him, had him autograph his Comedy Dvd and like usual my Wiseguys T-shirt.  I told him that I enjoyed his podcast.  He thanked me for watching it and for coming to the show.  I also told him that I sent him a tweet and he was like cool, so that was you.  I was then informed by one of the opening acts that he was asking about me during the first show.  I so wish I had been at that show because that would of been very cool to experience.  I then got to shake Kevin's hand and told him it was a pleasure to meet him and he again thanked me for coming to his show.  He was one of the nicest guys I've ever met.